Our Solution

Business leaders need a new way to ‘join the dots’ – to share the big picture, and to make their messages stick.

At  THINKspiration, we solve this problem by distilling ALL initiatives into a company specific Visual Map. We create a unique analogy based on the strategic, cultural and operational elements of the business – which is then visualised.

Every leader uses their Visual Map on a daily basis to talk about all elements of the business with their teams. Stories are shared, insights discovered, and alignment and engagement soar. The Visual Map becomes the ‘operating model’ of the business.

Every leader uses their Visual Map on a daily basis to talk about all elements of the business with their teams. Stories are shared, insights discovered, and alignment and engagement soar. The Visual Map becomes the ‘operating model’ of the business.

The THINKspiration Visual Map process has a 90% retention rate. This is driven by 3 key principles which are proven neuroscientific best practice:

  • Stories and analogies are ‘zip files’ for meaning and are the best way to get complex messages to stick
  • Pictures speak a thousand words - once seen they are impossible to forget
  • Dialogue is the oxygen of change – strategy, culture and change messages are only internalised through discussion.

Keen to explore further? Contact us here

And there’s more (no..really!)

We have a number of related offerings which will enhance every company’s strategy, culture and leadership journey, and maximise their Visual Map.

Paint the Future Strategy and Culture Workshops

Stimulate your thinking, paint your business' compelling future and align your team through a series of engaging and interactive conversations.

Duration: 2 day workshop
'The best way to predict future is to invent it! '

Employee Strategy Alignment Workshops
Leading for Engagement Assessment
Leading for Engagement Team Alignment Workshops
Story Powered Leadership Workshops and Coaching
Leading Differently Leadership Programme
Gallup Certified Strengths Coaching using the Clifton Strengths Assessment
Updated Visual Map Discussion Guides and Applications

Get in Touch
011 463 2489
082 558 8066 | tracey@thinkspiration.co.za
067 409 6630 | lisa@thinkspiration.co.za