
If I had a hundred bucks for every time I sat in a meeting and the problem of underperformance was resolved with some kind of incentive scheme, I would be sitting in the Bahamas (rather than writing this column). In fact, if it were as simple as the flick of a "pay more and you get more" switch, most of you would be joining me!

Vision, mission and strategic intent - the classic business school lingo which sees most people's eyes snow over like a faulty TV set.

The hyper analytical among us only make it worse by adding complexity in the form of graphs, maps models, and the like. Unless you work for a management consultancy or are doing your MBA, these potentially powerful concepts remain overused, meaningless buzzwords.

How much is enough? A million bucks? Ten million? A billion?

It's always a number (only the currency denomination varies). Somehow there's an unspoken recipe for happiness around (maybe it's only a Joburg thing).... it goes like this - make enough money and only once this is achieved are we free to focus on other aspects of our lives. Enough money will automatically result in a satisfying life - ultimate happiness is certain. Isn't it?

My least favourite question in the world is “What do you do?” Are there some unspoken guidelines about how to answer this question? Are you supposed to define yourself in terms of the company you keep, as in “I work for X Bank”.

A strange and somewhat heretical thought hit me recently: what, if any, is the value of (corporate) strategy?

Most corporate strategies are predicated on the assumption of implementation: i.e. when they are implemented things will change, be different, better. Competitive advantage will be realised. The competition will be ousted.

A powerful idea, no dispute. But why then do so many corporate strategies end up as thick dossiers gathering dust, in executive offices, much like shelved scripts for movies never made?

Politicians, bosses, radio journalists, friends and community leaders: All around us there are people trying to convince us to view the world and reality the way that they do. Our perspectives and opinions are clouded or clarified through multiple experiences, relationships and inputs. How do we put all of this together?

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